Assistance Dog Welcome Sticker from Pfotenpiloten

Osnabrück: assistance dog friendly!

Osnabrück is assistance dog friendly. More developments will be posted here soon.

Mayor Katharina Pötter: “An assistance dog makes life much easier for many people. We don’t want to make it more difficult again by banning access to our municipal buildings. I hope that many other institutions and businesses will join in.”

You can find the press release from the city of Osnabrück here.

The “Assistance Dogs Welcome” campaign was made possible by funding from the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (BMAS) and the Aktion Mensch.

@Aktion Mensch, #AktionMenschGefördert, #AssistenzhundWillkommen, #1BarriereWeniger, #OrteFürAlle #Barrierefreiheit. #Inclusion, #assistance dog