The city of Münster is assistance dog friendly, which you can read more about in this press release.
The public resolution of the City of Münster can be found here:
Here is the Commission for the Promotion of the Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities:
Already in the process of becoming assistance dog friendly, media outlets in Münster have been spreading the word about the “Assistance Dog Welcome” access campaign. Like this TV report from the WDR. If you missed it, you can still watch it online:

Assistance dog Lucia saves lives several times – Lokalzeit Münsterland 14.09.2022 02:51 Min. Available until 14.09.2023 WDR – By Markus Wollnik – Animal rescuers denied access – Status: 14.09.2022, 19:09 Uhr
To see this TV feature, click here:
We are very happy that the Westfälische Nachrichten wrote such a nice article about the access campaign and the Dogmap. Have you already read it?

Doris Rüter (Social Welfare Office Münster), Marja Maserati, Dr. Hannah Reuter and Roswitha Warda (from left) are happy about this.
Photo: Matthias Ahlke
To read the article, click here:
The “Assistance Dog Welcome” campaign was made possible by funding from the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (BMAS) and the Aktion Mensch.