Assistance Dog Welcome Sticker from Pfotenpiloten

District of Celle – assistance dog friendly!

We are pleased to inform you that the district of Celle is now officially assistance dog friendly.

Karolin Bartels and cardio alert dog Ari met with District Administrator Axel Flader in front of the district building. The stickers (front) can now be found on every door. Image and text source: https: //,3314.5&ModID=7&FID=3314.16765.1

The district of Celle officially welcomes assistance dogs in all its municipal facilities. On Thursday (14.09.2023), District Administrator Axel Flader came together with assistance dog team Karolin Bartels and cardio alert dog Ari in front of the district building to officially announce the district’s participation in the “assistance dog-friendly municipality” campaign. The stickers indicating the assistance dogs have been around for several months. “For us, access to our premises is part of the service concept for citizens and therefore assistance dogs naturally have access to our premises. We make this clear once again with the stickers,” says the district administrator.

Text source:,3314.5&ModID=7&FID=3314.16765.1

The “Assistance Dogs Welcome” campaign was made possible by funding from the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (BMAS) and the Aktion Mensch.

AktionMenschGefördert #1BarierreWeniger #AssistenzhundWillkommen #Assistenzhund #Inklusion #Barrierefrei @AktionMensch

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