Assistance Dog Welcome Sticker from Pfotenpiloten

Braunschweig: assistance dog friendly!

Braunschweig is assistance dog friendly. More developments will be posted here soon.

“Assistance dogs help people with a variety of different disabilities and chronic illnesses in everyday life and thus significantly increase their social participation, independence and quality of life – but only if they can accompany their people everywhere.
The city of Braunschweig therefore actively supports the access rights of assistance dogs and hereby declares itself an assistance dog-friendly municipality. We would like to make an important contribution to the access campaign of the
Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs and thus raise awareness of the right to unhindered access. Stickers with the inscription “Assistance dogs welcome” have already been affixed to municipal buildings. Braunschweig hopes that this will also provide important impetus for Braunschweig businesses – “Please follow our example and welcome assistance dogs!”

The “Assistance Dogs Welcome” campaign was made possible by funding from the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (BMAS) and the Aktion Mensch.

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